Artemether injection is a good treatment for malaria.80mg/1ml 1*6/ boxes.Malaria is a parasitic disease caused by plasmodium infection. The common types are vivax malaria, ovale malaria, malariae malariae and falciparum malaria. The main routes of infection include bites from Anopheles mosquitoes carrying the malaria parasite, blood-borne transmission and mother-to-child transmission. Vulnerability to malaria is widespread, especially among young children, pregnant women, the elderly, people with compromised immunity, and non-immunized persons who have traveled to malaria-endemic areas such as Africa, Southeast Asia, the Eastern Mediterranean, the Western Pacific and the Americas.
The main symptoms of malaria are chills, high fever, sweating, headache, aching limbs and weakness. After a certain incubation period, the symptoms will recirculate. In severe cases, malaria can cause complications such as anemia, hypoglycemia, acute renal failure or acute pulmonary edema.
The main treatment of malaria is drug therapy, including artemisinin and its derivatives, quinoline derivatives and anti-folate drugs. Treatment of pregnant women, children and drug-resistant infected persons requires special treatment. In addition, Chinese medicine is also effective in the treatment of malaria. For the prevention of malaria infection, in addition to the need to cover clothing, the use of mosquito nets, spraying mosquito repellent and other physical protection, you can also take preventive drugs to reduce the risk of infection.